Become a Referee

East Sac Youth Soccer Club is always looking for new referees! All ages are welcome.  This is a paid position and a great way for teenagers to earn money and confidence.

All referees are required to attend a referee course.  The course is for entry-level referees.  The classes are sanctioned by our league and are hosted by our clubs. You may attend any course.

Click Here to register to become a Grass Roots First -Time Referee.

login... sign up now... create an account.  Find a course...

Click Here to see a current class as of April 1st with Greenhaven. the last day digital field session is April 22 or 29th.

The course is online and once you finish the Grassroots Entry Level Course you will need to sign up for the Digital Field Session to get your Badge to Referee games. You must take an annual refresher to keep the license up to date.


Jonathan Williams

Referee Coordinator

Current Referees

In order to officiate for the East Sac Youth Soccer Club you need a GameOfficials.Net account. You need to join our group "Sac Refs" and select "East Sac" in the "League Tournament" preferences. Please click the following Game Officials Instructions to see a PDF document with detailed instructions.

  • View upcoming referee assignments.
  • Review Club modifications to the LOG and selected playing rules.
  • View ESYSC Pay Scale.

Useful Links:

Referee clinic schedule:

USSF Information for new referees:

Referee Gear:

Ask the Ref -­ Q&A for referees:

The Watch and the Whistle a primer for youth soccer referees:

USSF referee page:

USSF referee registration:
(your password is either on the sheet that came with your card or your last name)

Comprehensive List of Restarts: